For the ecosystem to run cuncurently you have to install servral different repositories for the proper functioning of the application. Each repository would have an individual readme for it's installation. Here we shall list out all the order on which you have to install them with a given description.

clone the repository #

Either clone or fork the project, if you need to clone it juste use the following command:

git clone

Install the dependencies #

In the package.json file, you will find all of the dependencies (and scripts) to install them using the following command:

npm install

Update /app/config/config.base.ts with your own configuration for firebase

Run the development mode #

To run the development mode, use the npm script. This script will also watch for changes.

npm start

Run the production mode #

Before you go live, you should use the production script to compress the Sass files.

npm run build

Note A CI/CD pipline would be created for you to download the apk file more easily.

Additional Scripts #

You can find some more npm scripts in the package.json that can be helpful.

What if i want to fork the project? #

Things to do if you want to fork or contribute to the project.

  1. Refer to Create a Firebase project and add config json to your desired build (In our case we chosed android).
  2. Refer to Farmassist IoT Device Simulator to see how fake telemetery data can be sent to Realtime Database.
  3. Refer to Farmassist Firebase for the Cloud Functions code that call Cloud Messaging service.
  4. Refer to Edge Device Model Quickstart if you want to train your own model for plant disease detection.
  5. Refer to CI/CD pipeline for React Native apps: use Fastlane and GitHub Actions to set up a workflow that can release an APK for your android app whenever someone pushes the code to GitHub. Instead of using push event, I set up a manual trigger with workflow_dispatch event.